"EAGER: Exploring the Use of Synthetic Speech as Reference Model to Detect
Salient Emotional Segments in Speech," Mar. 2013-Aug. 2014
This exploratory analysis aims to create neutral reference model from synthetic speech to contrast
the emotional content of a speech signal.
Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC
"Advancements in Automatic Speech Recognition: Corpus Development, Model
Training, Dialect/Accent, and Hands-Free Interaction" Nov. 2012-Dec. 2013
The project focuses on advancements to improve various aspects of both small and large
vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR).
National Science Fundation (NSF)
"Exploring Audiovisual Emotion Perception using Data-Driven Computational Modeling" Sep. 2012-Aug. 2014
This project explores perceptual-based models for emotion behavior
assessments through the study of human audio-visual emotion perception using statistical analyses,
data-driven computational modeling, and implicit sensing.
Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC
"Standardization of Advanced User Interface for Mobile Devices" Sep. 2011-Sep. 2012
The project studies the scope of advanced user interfaces' standard for mobile devices,
and the essential technologies for it.