Seminar Speakers
January 21, 2025
“Geometric Abstractions for Efficient and Explainable Control of Complex Robotic Systems”
Jake Welde, University of Pennsylvania
December 6, 2024
“Do you trust Digital Twins? How Verification and Validation can support the development of trusted Digital Twins”
Julia Bitencourt, Auburn University
December 4, 2024
“Collaborative System Design to Increase Efficiency by Focusing on Social Factors and Interactions”
Alkim Avsar, Arizona State University
December 2, 2024
“Robust Sensing and Learning Control of Contact-Rich Robots”
Aykut Satici, Boise State University
November 15, 2024
“Personalized and Distributed Data Analytics in Heterogeneous Environments”
Naichen Shi, University of Michigan
October 21, 2024
“Distributed Fake News Detection”
Behrouz Touri, The University of California San Diego
April 1, 2024
“New Approaches to Distributed Hypothesis Testing and State Estimation in Large-Scale Networks”
Shreyas Sundaram, Purdue University
February 5, 2024
“Prediction of Protein Folding Pathways under Entropy-Loss Constraints using Quadratic Programming-Based Nonlinear Control”
Alireza Mohammadi, University of Michigan-Dearborn
January 29, 2024
“Systems Engineering for Next Generation Heat Pumps”
Scott A Bortoff, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
December 4, 2023
“A Comprehensive Overview of Drone Control: Foundations and Applications”
Gerardo Flores, Laboratorio de Percepción y Robótica [LAPyR]
November 6, 2023
“Model-based Methods in Today’s Data-Driven Robotics Landscape”
Seth Hutchinson, Georgia Tech
October 2, 2023
“Data-Driven Passivity Based Control of Robotic Locomotion & Manipulation”
Aykut Satici, Boise State University
April 21, 2023
“Networked Strategic Learning for Autonomous Systems”
Ceyhun Eksin, Texas A&M
February 17, 2023
“An Introduction to EUV Lithography, with a Focus on Interesting Control Challenges”
Sam Crisafulli, ASML
MDecember 5, 2022
“Trusted Autonomy: Theory & Applications”
John S. Baras, University of Maryland
December 2, 2022
“Strictly Negative Imaginary State Feedback Control for Relative Degree Two Systems”
Ian Petersen, The Australian National University
November 2, 2022
“Chance-Constrained Path Integral Control”
Takashi Tinaka, University of Texas at Austin
March 2, 2020
“What is the Lagrangian for Nonlinear Filtering?”
Prashant G. Mehta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
February 3, 2020
“Mechatronics and Control: From Precision Machining to Robotic Surgery”
Tus-Chin Tsao, University of California – Los Angeles
January 24, 2020
“Safe Autonomy with Deep Learning in Feedback Loop”
George Pappas, University of Pennsylvania
November 4, 2019
“Estimation in Cyber-Physical Systems Under Attack”
Joao Hespanha, University of California – Santa Barbara
October 7, 2019
“Hierarchical Model Predictive Control: Bridging the Gap between Theory & Practice”
Justin Koeln, University of Texas at Dallas
September 9, 2019
“Sub-Sampling Approaches to Mapping and Imaging from the Nano World to the Macro World”
Sean Andersson, Boston University
April 1, 2019
“A Systems Approach to Management of Transient Thermal Systems for Mobile Electrification”
Andrew Alleyne, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
May 6, 2019
“Robust Control: Past Successes and Future Directions”
Peter Seiler, University of Minnesota
February 11, 2019
“Using Reduced-Order Models for Design and Control of Bipedal Robotic Systems”
Siavash Rezazadeh, University of Texas at Dallas
February 4, 2019
“An Inside Job: Using Tiny Robot Swarms to Heal the Body”
Aaron Becker, University of Houston
December 20, 2018
“Tuningless, High-Performance Nonlinear Servo Control Including Machine Learning: Tehory to Practice”
Dongil (Dan) Cho, Seoul National University
December 3, 2018
“Traffic Flow Control: Calming “Stop-and-Go” in Congested Traffic”
Miroslav Krstic, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of California-San Diego
October 8, 2018
“Oscillator Amplitude Control: Fast Tool Servos, Atomic Force Microscopy, Reticle Pushers, and More”
David L. Trumper, Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Setpember 10, 2018
“Tools forOptimal Energy Sorage Systems Selection”
Simona Onori, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
April 30, 2018
“Actuator Saturation: Old Problem, New Tricks, Along with Some Unusual Applications”
Faryar Jabbari, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California - Irvine
April 6, 2018
“Control of Wind Turbines and Wind Farms”
Lucy Pao, Electrical, Computer, and Energy Department, University of Colorado-Boulder
March 5, 2018
“Gentle High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy using Encased Cantilevers and Spiral Scanning”
Paul Ashby, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
November 6, 2017
“Modeling, Control & Estimation of Traffic Networks”
Roberto Horowitz, Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley
October 26, 2017
“Magnetically Actuated Tetherless Miniature Robots”
Julien Leclerc, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston
October 23, 2017
“Cooperative Road Freight Transport”
Karl Johansson, Electrical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
October 9, 2017
“Interfacial Engineering in MEMS-Moving and Assembling Chips and Drops”
Karl F. Böhringer, Institute of Nano-Engineered Systems, University of Washington
September 18, 2017
“The How and Why of Robot Air Hockey”
Mark Spong, Systems Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas.
April 14, 2017
“Computation and Uncertainty: The Past, Present and Future of Control”
Manfred Morari, Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
March 6, 2017
“Design, Modeling, and Control of Biologically-Inspired Bat Robot”
Seth Hutchinson, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
February 20, 2017
“Humans and Industrial Robots: The Best of Two Worlds”
Masayoshi Tomizuka, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
February 6, 2017
“Autonomous UAVs: A Look into the Future”
Siva Banda, Chief Scientist, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
February 3, 2017
“Attack Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems”
Justin Ruths, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas - Dallas
November 7, 2016
“Output Feedback MPC in the Slow Zone”
Bob Bitmead, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California – San Diego
October 10, 2016
“Manipulation and Interrogation of Matter at the Small Scale Enabled by a Controls and Systems Perspective”
Murti V. Salapaka, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
September 7, 2016
“Passivity-Based Control and Optimization in Networked Robotics – From Human-Swarm Collaborations to Distributed Optimization”
Takeshi Hatanaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
February 22, 2016
“Quantifying Network Controllability”
Bassam Bamieh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara
December 7 2015
“Squaring-up Linear Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications”
Pradeep Misra, Department of Electrical Eingineering, Wright State University
November 2, 2015
“Dynamic Movement in a Humanoid: Walking, Running, and Jumping”
David Orin, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio State University
October 5, 2015
“L1 Adaptive Control and it's Transition to Practice”
Naira Hovakimyan, Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
September 10, 2015
“Networked Control: Theoretical Foundations to Cyberphysical Systems”
Geir E. Dullerud, Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
June 29, 2015
“Physical Interpretations of Negative Imaginary Systems Theory”
Ian R. Petersen, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of New South Wales
May 4, 2015
“Modeling and Control of Anesthetic Pharmacodynamics”
Carolyn Beck, Dept. of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
March 2, 2015
“Two Initially Actuated Baton Robots”
Yildirim Hurmuzlu, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Methodist University
February 16, 2015
“Minimizing Physical Disability with Robotic Arms, Legs, and Exoskeletons”
Michael Goldfarb, H. Fort Glowers Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University
December 1, 2014
“Enhancing the Robustness of Walking Gaits in Under-actuated Biped Robots”
Jim Schmiedeler, Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame
November 3, 2014
“Multistage Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Systems”
Charlie Rohrs, Rohrs Consulting
October 6, 2014
“Multiple Target Tracking from Airborne Cameras”
Randal Beard, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University
September 7, 2014
“The Geometry of Over-actuated Systems: Application to Dynamic Control Allocation”
Andrea Serrani, Dept. Of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University
May 5, 2014
“Adaptive Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Parallel Cell Coordinate System”
Gary Yen, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University
April 7, 2014
“Control Applications in Intelligent / Autonomous Vehicles”
Umit Ozguner, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio State Univeristy
March 3, 2014
“System Theory, Network Science and Student Success”
Chaouki T. Abdallah, Provost & Executive Vice President, University of New Mexico
February 13, 2014
“The Application of a Particle Filter to Urban Target Localization, Tracking, & Intercept”
Emily A. Doucette, Air Force Research Laboratory
February 3, 2014
“Towards Nonlinear Control of Morphing Air Vehicles”
John Valasek, Professor & Director, Center for Autonomous Vehicles and Sensor Systems, Aerospace Engineering Department Texas A&M University
December 2, 2013
“Systems Engineering and Advanced Control: Industry Perspective and an Application to Automotive Powertrains”
Tariq Samad, ACS Advanced Technology, Honeywell Laboratories
November 4, 2013
“Fleet Routing Position-based Model for Inventory Pickup under Production Shutdown”
Chanaka Edirisinghe, Management Science Program, The University of Tennessee Knoxville
October 7, 2013
“Control and Sensing Co-Design for Maritime Robotic Sensor Networks”
Fumin Zhang, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
September 16, 2013
“One-bit Matrix Completion”
Mark A. Davenport, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
May 6, 2013
“Geometry of Spectral Analysis and Statistical Estimation, Tracking and Signal Detection”
Tryphon Georgiuo, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota
April 1, 2013
“State-Of-The-Art Evolutionary Algorithms for Many Objective Optimization”
Gary Yen, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University
March 4, 2013
“Theoretical and Experimental Outcomes of Closed-Loop Neuromuscular Control Methods to Yield Human Limb Motion”
Warren Dixon, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Affiliate), University of Florida
February 4, 2013
“Sampling-Based Motion Planning: from Intelligent CAD to Crowd Simulation to Protein Folding”
Nancy Amato, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M
Oct. 1, 2012
“Probabilistic Methods in Cancer Biology”
M. Vidyasagar, Department Head of Bioengineering, Cecil & Ida Green Chair in Systems Biology Science, The University of Texas at Dallas
Oct. 22, 2012
“Modularized Design of Cooperative Control for Plug-And—Play Operation of Networked Heterogeneous Dynamical Systems”
Zhihua Qu, Professor and Chair of ECE, University of Central Florida
Nov. 12, 2012
“Optimal Design for Cooperative Control Synchronization and Games on Communication Graphs”
Danielle Tarraf, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Dec. 3, 2012
“Randomized Algorithms for Control of Uncertain Complex Systems”
Roberto Tempo, Director of Research, CNR-IEIIT Politecnico di Torino
Sep. 10, 2012
“Can Feedback Control-Based Trading Strategies Beat the Stock Market?”
B. Ross Barmish, ECE Department, University of Wisconsin
Apr. 30, 2012
“Decisions and Control, Uncertainty and Risk: Performance Criteria, Models and Applications”
Emmanuel Fernandez, School of Electronics and Computing Systems University of Cincinnati
Apr. 2, 2012
“Information Gradients and the Acquisition of Knowledge from Data”
John Baillieul, Intelligent Mechatronics Laboratory and College of Engineering Boston University
Mar. 26, 2012
“Choreographic Abstractions in Robotics”
Magnus Egerstedt, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Mar. 5, 2012
“Systems Methods for Optimal Trading under Transaction Costs”
James Primbs, Department of Management Science & Engineering Stanford University
Feb. 20, 2012
“Fractional delay filters with applications to pitch shifting”
Yutaka Yamamoto, Department of Applied Analysis and Complex Dynamical Systems, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Nov. 21, 2011
“Tracking in billiards: A control-Lyapunov function approach”
Andy Teel, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara
Nov. 14, 2011
“Multiscale Robotics and Control: from Microns and Millimeters to Human size”
Dan Popa, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington
Nov. 7, 2011
“Adventures in a Multiattribute Space”
Ali Abbas, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Oct. 18, 2011
“Modeling, Simulation and Control of Morphing Wing UAVs”
Kamesh Subbarao, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington
Oct. 3, 2011
“Energy management and sustainable mobility - an overview of control challenges and opportunities”
Giorgio Rizzoni, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University
Sept. 12, 2011
“Optimal Design for Cooperative Control Synchronization and Games on Communication Graphs”
Frank L. Lewis, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington
Aug. 19, 2011
“Fall Control of Humanoid Robots”
Ambarish Goswami, Honda Research Institute, USA
July 25, 2011
“Structured and Distributed Control via Input-Output Methods”
Petros G. Voulgaris, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign