· B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University, May 1989. · M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University,
August 1991.
· Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University,
August 1995.
EMPLOYMENT 1991-1995 Research Assistant, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Arizona
1995-1996 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Arizona State University, AZ 1996-1999 Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Science,
University of
1999-2003 Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX. 2004-present Professor (with tenure), Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX. AWARDS/HONORS
Research Interests Grants Awarded - Sponsored Research Past Grants: Principal Investigator, “Open-source research interface for cochlear implants,“ National Institutes of Health, $1.3M, April 2006-April 2009. Principal Investigator, “Optimizing speech coding strategies for noise and music,” National Institutes of Health, April 2005-April 2010, $1.5M. Co-Investigator (PI: A. Spanias, Arizona State University). “Collaborative Research: CCLI-EMD; Development of On-line Laboratories for Networks, Probability Theory, Signals and Systems, and Multimedia computing,” National Science Foundation, 2005-2008, $450,000 Principal Investigator, “Signal Processing Techniques for Cochlear Prosthesis,” National Institutes of Health, Grant No. 1 R01 DC03421, May 1999-May 2004, $700,000. Principal Investigator, “Signal Processing Techniques for Cochlear Prosthesis,” National Institutes of Health, Grant No. R55 DC03421, October 1998-October 2000, $100,000, Shannon Award. Co-PI, “Cochlear implants – Auditory function and speech perception,” National Institutes of Health, Grant No. 5 R01 DC00654-07, April 1999-April 2004, $993,000. Co-Investigator, “Performance outcome measures for hearing technology,” Texas Instruments, Inc., June 2000-June 2001, $165,000 Principal Investigator, “Development of a laboratory cochlear implant processor,” Arkansas Science and Technology Authority, July 1997-July 1998, $28,000. Co-PI, “A coupled oscillator approach to control autonomous robots”, US Army Research Office/DEPSCoR, November 1997- November 2000, $278,000. Principal Investigator, “Evaluation of two cochlear implant processors,”
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, UALR, July 1997-July 1998, $5,000.