Journal articles[Copies of our speech enhancement papers can be downloaded from here and copies of our cochlear implant papers from here. Copies are also available from PubMed. ]
Ma, J., Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2009). "Objective measures for predicting
speech intelligibility in noisy conditions based on new band-importance
functions", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(5),
Kim, G., Lu, Y., Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2009). "An algorithm that improves speech intelligibility in noise," Journal of Acoustical Society of America, in press. Li, N. and Loizou, P. (2009). "Factors affecting masking release in cochlear implant vocoded speech," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(1), 338-348. Loizou, P., Hu, Y., Litovsky, P., Yu, G., Peters, R., Lake, J. and Roland, P. (2009). "Speech recognition by bilateral cochlear implant users in a cocktail party setting", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 125(1), 372-383. Milani, A., Panahi, I. and Loizou, P. (2009). "A New Delayless Subband Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for Active Noise Control Systems," IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Processing, 17(5), 1038-1045. Kokkinakis K. and Loizou P. C., (2009). “Selective-tap blind dereverberation for two-microphone enhancement of reverberant speech,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Accepted, June 2009 Li, N. and Loizou, P. (2008). “Factors influencing intelligibility of ideal binary-masked speech: Implications for noise reduction,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 123(3), 1673–1682. Cooper, W., Tobey, E. and Loizou, P. (2008). “Music Perception by Cochlear Implant and Normal Hearing Listeners as Measured by the Montreal Battery for Evaluation of Amusia,” Ear and Hearing, 29(4), 618-626. Li, N. and Loizou, P. (2008). “Effect of spectral resolution on the intelligibility of ideal binary masked speech,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 123(4), EL59- EL64. Li, N. and Loizou, P. (2008). “A glimpsing account for the benefit of simulated combined acoustic and electric hearing,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 123(4), 2287–2294. Kokkinakis, K. and Loizou, P. (2008). “Using blind source separation techniques to improve speech recognition in bilateral cochlear implant patients,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 123(4), 2379-2390. Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2008). “A new sound coding strategy for suppressing noise in cochlear implants,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 124(1), 498-509. Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2008). “Evaluation of objective quality measures for speech enhancement,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 16(1), 229-238. Lu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2008). “A geometric approach to spectral subtraction,” Speech Communication, 50, 453-466. Bingabr, M., Espinoza-Varas, B. and Loizou, P. (2008). “Simulating the effect of spread of excitation in cochlear implants,” Hearing Research, 241, 73-79 Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2007). “A comparative intelligibility study of single-microphone noise reduction algorithms,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 122(3), 1777–1786. Li, N. and Loizou, P. (2007). “Factors influencing glimpsing of speech in noise,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 122(2), 1165-1172. Kasturi, K. and Loizou, P. (2007). “Effect of frequency spacing on melody recognition: Acoustic and electric hearing,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 122(2), EL29-EL34. Hu, Y., Loizou, P., Li, N. and Kasturi, K. (2007). “Use of a sigmoidal-shaped function for noise attenuation in cochlear implants,” 122(4), EL128-EL134. Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2007). “Subjective evaluation and comparison of speech enhancement algorithms,” Speech Communication, 49, 588-601. Bin, C. and Loizou, P. (2007). “A Laplacian-based MMSE estimator for speech enhancement,” Speech Communication, 49, 134-143. Kasturi, K. and Loizou, P. (2007). “Use of S-Shaped Input-Output Functions for Noise Suppression in Cochlear Implants,” Ear and Hearing, 28(3), 402-411. Stickney, G., Loizou, P., Mishra, L., Assmann, P., Shannon, R. and Opie, J. (2006). "Effects of electrode design and configuration on channel interactions." Hearing Research, 211, 33-45. Rangachari, S. and Loizou, P. (2006). “A noise estimation algorithm for highly non-stationary environments,” Speech Communication, 28, 220-231. G. Parikh and P. Loizou (2005). “The influence of noise on vowel and consonant cues,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America 118, 3874-3888. P. Loizou, A. Lobo and Y. Hu (2005). “Subspace algorithms for noise reduction in cochlear implants,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 118, 2791-2793. M. Dorman, A. Spahr, P. Loizou, C. Dana and J. Schmidt (2005). “Acoustic simulations of combined electric and acoustic hearing (EAS),” Ear and Hearing 26, 371-380. P. Loizou (2005). “Speech enhancement based on perceptually motivated Bayesian estimators of the speech magnitude spectrum,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing. 13(5), 857-869 Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2004). “Incorporating a psychoacoustic model in frequency domain speech enhancement,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11(2), 270-273. Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2004). "Speech enhancement by wavelet thresholding the multitaper spectrum," IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 12(1), 59-67. Hu and P. Loizou (2003) “A generalized subspace approach for enhancing speech corrupted with colored noise,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 11(4), 334-341. Y. Hu and P. Loizou (2003) “A perceptually motivated approach for speech enhancement,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 11(5), 457-465. H. Qian and P. Loizou (2003). “A phone-assistive device based on Bluetooth technology for cochlear implant users,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 11(3), 282-287. P. Loizou, V. Mani and M. Dorman (2003). “Dichotic speech recognition in noise using reduced spectral cues,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 114(1), 475-483. W. Katz, S. Bharadwaj, G. Gabbert, P. Loizou, E. Tobey and O. Poroy (2003). "EMA compatibility of the Clarion 1.2 cochlear implant system," Acoustics Research Letters Online, 4 (3), 100-105. P. Loizou, G. Stickney, L. Mishra and P. Assmann (2003). “Comparison of speech processing strategies used in the Clarion implant processor,” Ear and Hearing, 24(1), 12-19 Hu, Y. and Loizou, P. (2002). “A subspace approach for enhancing speech corrupted by colored noise,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 9(7), 204-206. K. Kasturi, P. Loizou, M. Dorman and T. Spahr (2002). "The intelligibility of speech with holes in the spectrum", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112(3). M. Dorman, P. Loizou, To. Spahr and E. Maloff (2002). "A Comparison of the Speech Understanding Provided by Acoustic Models of Fixed-Channel and Channel-Picking Signal Processors for Cochlear Implants," Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 45. P. Loizou and O. Poroy (2001). "Minimum spectral contrast needed for vowel identification by normal-hearing and cochlear implant listeners," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 110(3), 1619-1627. C. Chang, G. Anderson and P. Loizou (2001). "A neural network model
for optimizing vowel recognition by cochlear implant listeners," IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering , 9(1),
P. Loizou, M. Dorman,
O. Poroy and T. Spahr (2000). "Speech recognition by normal-hearing and
cochlear implant listeners as a function of intensity resolution," Journal
of Acoustical Society of America, 108(5), 2377-2388.
P. Loizou, O. Poroy and
M. Dorman (2000). "The effect of parametric variations of cochlear implant
processors on speech understanding," Journal of Acoustical Society of
America , 108(2), 790-802.
P. Loizou, M. Dorman
and J. Fitzke (2000). "The effect of reduced dynamic range on speech understanding:
Implications for patients with cochlear implants," Ear and Hearing,
21(1), 25-31.
Dorman, M., Loizou, P., Kemp, L. and Kirk, K. (2000). “Word Recognition by Children Listening to Speech Processed into a Small Number of Channels: Data from Normal-Hearing Children and Children with Cochlear Implants,” Ear and Hearing, 21(6), 590-596. Loizou, P., Dorman, M., Z. Tu and J. Fitzke (2000). “The recognition of sentences in noise by normal-hearing listeners using simulations of SPEAK-type cochlear implant processors,” Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 109(12), Suppl. 185, 67-68. Dorman, M., Loizou, P., J. Fitzke, and Tu, Z. (2000).“The recognition of NU-6 words by cochlear implant patients and by normal-hearing subjects listening to NU-6 words processed in the manner of CIS and SPEAK strategies” Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. 109(12), Suppl. 185, 64-66. Radhakrishnan, N., Wilson, J. and Loizou, P. (2000). “An alternate partitioning technique to quantify the regularity of complex time series,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 10(7), 1773-1779. P. Loizou, M. Dorman and Z. Tu (1999). “On the number of channels needed to understand speech,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(4), 2097-2103. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1999). “Improved speech recognition using a subspace projection approach,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 7(3) ,343-345. P. Loizou (1999). “Signal-processing techniques for cochlear implants,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 18(3), 34-46. P. Loizou (1999). “Introduction to Cochlear Implants,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 18(1), 32-42. P. Loizou (1998). “Mimicking
the Human Ear: An overview of signal processing techniques used for cochlear
implants,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 15(5), 101-130. Dorman, M.and Loizou, P. (1998). “The identification of consonants and vowels by cochlear implants patients using a 6-channel CIS processor and by normal hearing listeners using simulations of processors with two to nine channels,” Ear and Hearing, 19, 162-166. Loizou, P., Dorman, M. and Powell, V. (1998). “The recognition of vowels produced by men, women, boys and girls by cochlear implant patients using a six-channel CIS processor,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103(2), 1141-1149. Dorman, M., Loizou, P., Fitzke, J. and Tu, Z. (1998). “The recognition of sentences in noise by normal-hearing listeners using simulations of cochlear-implant signal processors with 6-20 channels,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 104(6), 3583-3585. Dorman, M., Loizou, P. and Fitzke, J. (1998). “The identification of speech in noise by cochlear-implant patients and normal-hearing listeners using 6-channel signal processors,” Ear and Hearing, 19(6), 481-484. Dorman, M. and Loizou, P. (1997). “Speech intelligibility as a function of the number of channels of stimulation for normal-hearing listeners and patients with cochlear implants, “ The American Journal of Otology, 18, S113-S114. Dorman, M. and Loizou, P. (1997). “Mechanisms of vowel recognition for Ineraid patients fit with CIS processors,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102(1), 581-587. Dorman, M. and Loizou, P. (1997). “Changes in speech intelligibility as a function of time and signal processing strategy for an Ineraid patient fit with CIS processors, “ Ear and Hearing, 18, 147-155. Dorman, M., Loizou, P. and Rainey, D. (1997). “Speech intelligibility as a function of the number of channels of stimulation for processors using sine-wave and noise-band outputs,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102(4), 2403-2411. Dorman, M., Loizou, P. and Rainey, D. (1997). “Simulating the effect of cochlear implant insertion-depth on speech understanding,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102(5), 2993-2996. P. Loizou and A. Spanias
(1997). “Improving discrimination of confusable words using the divergence
measure,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 101 (2),
1106-1111. Dorman, M. and Loizou, P. (1996). “Improving consonant intelligibility for Ineraid patients fit with CIS processors by enhancing contrast among channel outputs,” Ear and Hearing, 17, 308-313. Dorman, M. and Loizou, P. (1996). “Relative spectral change and formant transitions as cues to labial and alveolar place of articulation,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100(6), 3825-3830. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1996). “High-performance alphabet recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 4, 430-445. P. Loizou, M. Dorman and A. Spanias (1995), “Automatic recognition of syllable-final nasals preceded by /e/,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 97,1925-1928. P. Loizou, M. Deisher, A. Spanias, G. Lim and B. Mears (1994). “A new highly integrated architecture for speech processing and communications applications,” Intel Technology Journal, 41-56. A. Spanias, P. Loizou,
G. Lim, Y. Chen and G. Hu (1993). “Analysis/synthesis of speech using the
short-time Fourier transform and a time-varying ARMA process,” IEICE
Transactions of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,E76-A,645-652. A. Spanias and P. Loizou (1992). “Mixed Fourier/Walsh transform scheme for speech coding at 4.0 kbits/s,” IEE Proceedings ,139, 473-481.
Conference Papers
Hu, Y., Mukul, N. and
Loizou, P. (2001). “A cross-correlation technique for enhancing speech
corrupted with correlated noise, “Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP-2001,Salt
Lake City, Utah, May 2001.
Poroy, O. and Loizou,
P. (2000). “Development of a speech processor for laboratory experiments
with cochlear implant patients,”Proceedings
of IEEE ICASSP-2000, Istanbul,
Turkey, June 2000.
M. and Loizou, P. (2000). “Adaptive filtering for speech enhancement, “ Ninth
DSP Workshop, Hunt, TX, Oct.2000.
Dorman, P. Loizou, T. Spahr and E. Maloff (2000). “Performance of spectral-maxima
and fixed-channel algorithms for coding speech in quiet and in noise,” Ninth
DSP Workshop, Hunt, TX, Oct.
2000. Tu, Z. and Loizou, P. (1999). “Speech recognition over the Internet using Java,” Proceedings of ICASSP-99, Phoenix, AZ. Loizou, P. and Liu, X. (1998). “Improving vowel recognition in noise using the CIS strategy,” 29th Annual Neural Prosthesis Workshop, NIH, Bethesda, MD. Dorman, M., Loizou, P., Kirk, K. and Svirsky, M. (1998). “Channels, children and the multisyllabic lexical neighborhood test (MLNT),” 29th Annual Neural Prosthesis Workshop, NIH, Bethesda, MD. Tu, Z. and Loizou, P. (1998). “Acoustic simulations of cochlear implants,” First Annual Tennessee Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Memphis, TN. Gericke, M., Loizou, P. and Wold, D. (1998). “Linear transformations for vowel classification,” Proceedings of the 82nd Arkansas Academy of Science, Little Rock, AR. Gericke, M., Loizou, P. and Wold, D. (1998). ”The perception of American English vowels,”1998 National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury, MD, April 23-25, 1998. Loizou, P. (1997). “Signal processing for cochlear prosthesis: A tutorial review,” Proceedings of 40th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1, 200-204. (invited presentation). P. Loizou, S. Graham, J. Dickins, M. Dorman and O. Poroy (1997). “Comparing the performance of the SPEAK strategy (Spectra 22) and the CIS strategy (Med-El) in quiet and in noise,” 1997 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, Monterey, CA. P. Loizou and M. Dorman (1996). “The role of temporal and spectral cues in speech recognition,” 132ndMeeting of Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI. P. Loizou , M. Dorman and A. Spanias (1996). “Vowel recognition by cochlear implant patients using a large database of speakers,” 131st Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. M. Dorman and P. Loizou (1996). “The role of spectral and temporal cues in the recognition of vowels processed through a small number of channels,” Third European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, Hannover, Germany, 78. P. Loizou, M. Dorman and
A. Spanias (1995). “Techniques for improved stop and nasal discrimination,”
Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, St. Louis, MO. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1995). “Improved speech recognition using the weighted average divergence measure,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Signal Processing 1, 90-95. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1995) “Improved speech recognition using the weighted average divergence measure,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Signal Processing 1, pp. 90-95. P. Loizou and A. Mekkoth and A. Spanias (1995). “Telephone alphabet recognition for name-retrieval applications”, International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, 2014-2018. G. Tucker, P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1995). “An HMM-based endpoint detector for computer communications”, International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, 1969-1973. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1994), “Context-dependent modeling in alphabet recognition,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 189-192. I. Gdoura, P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1993).“Speech processing using higher order statistics,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,160-163. A. Spanias, G. Lim, P. Loizou and M. Deisher (1992) “Block time and frequency domain modified covariance algorithms,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 5, 529-532. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1991) “Low rate speech representations by vector quantizing transform components,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1, 320-323. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1991) “Vector quantization of transform components at 1200 BPS,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 245-248. P. Loizou and A. Spanias (1990) “Vector quantization of principal spectral components at 4800 BPS,” Proceedings of 24th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 654-658.