Texas Systems Day is a one day event to promote interaction between researchers in Texas who are working in the area of systems, controls and robotics.

This year Texas Systems Day is being held immediately following the SY-BIO Workshop, devoted to synthetic and systems biology. Participants of Texas Systems Day might like to consider also attending the SY-BIO Workshop.





Symposium: TI Auditorium, ECSS 2.102, UT Dallas, Richardson, TX

Student Posters Session: Clark Center, Just across the street from the ECSS Building

Banquet: Founders 2nd Floor Atrium

Parking Information




Parking on campus for this event is available on Lot I





Registration is now closed for lunch, reception, and dinner. However, please feel free to attend any and all Symposium presentations throughout the day, as well as the afternoon poster session.”

Symposium Schedule



8:00 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. - 10:00a.m. Invited Plenary Talk
Chair: M. Vidyasagar, The University of Texas at Dallas
Topic: "Engineering the Artificial Pancreas"
Speaker: Prof. Francis J. Doyle III, University of California at Santa Barbara
10:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m Coffee Break
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Faculty Presentations-- I (20 mins each)
Chair: Steve Yurkovich, The University of Texas at Dallas

Topic: "Lessons from practical multi-robot systems"
Speaker: Dylan Shell, Texas A&M University

Topic: "Systems Approach to Combination Therapy for Cancer"
Speaker: Ranadip Pal, Texas Technological Univeristy

Topic: "Designing Human-in-the-Loop Robotic Systems for Surgical Training and Intervention"
Speaker: Ann Majewicz, The University of Texas at Dallas

Topic: "Sampling Based Feedback Motion Planners"
Speaker: Suman Chakravorty, Texas A&M University

Topic: "Rate-Invariant Analysis of Trajectories on Manifolds"
Speaker: Jingyong S, Texas Technological Univeristy

Topic: "Approximation Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problems with Motion Constraints"
Speaker: Sivakumar Rathinam, Texas A&M University

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lunch Break
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Faculty Presentations-- II (20 mins each)
Chair: P. R. Kumar, Texas A&M University

Topic: "Alternate Trimming Methods for Trailing Aircraft in Formation Flight"
Speaker: Atilla Dogan, University of Texas at Arlington

Topic: "State Constrained Markov Processes with Aerospace Applications"
Speaker: Behcet Acikmese, University of Texas at Austin

Topic: "Real-Time Reachability for Verified Simplex Design"
Speaker: Taylor Johnson, University of Texas at Arlington

Topic: "Secure Perception for Autonomous Systems"
Speaker: Todd Humphries, University of Texas at Austin

Topic: "Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems"
Speaker: Alvaro Cardenas, The University of Texas at Dallas

Topic: "Stability and Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems"
Speaker: Dragan Djurdjanovic, University of Texas at Austin

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m Coffee Break in Parallel with Student Poster Presentations, Clark Center Lobby
6:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m : Reception Followed by Banquet
Founders Building, 2nd Floor Atrium

Poster Presentation Participants




Texas A&M

  • Osama A. Arshad, Priyadharshini S. Venkatasubramani, Aniruddha Datta and Jijayanagaram Venkatraj, "Using Boolean Logic Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks to Exploit the Links between Cancer and Metabolism for Therapeutic Purposes"
  • Priyadharshini S Venkat and Aniruddha Datta, "Modeling and Inference of the MAP Kinase Cascade in Plant Defense Signaling"

Texas Tech

  • Serdar Gorumlu, Robert Koven, Dr. Burak Aksak, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, "Broadband Vibration Energy Harvesting Using a Beam-on-piezo Mechanical Oscillator"
  • Malaka Sanka Liyanage, Dr. Jordan Berg, Dr. Beibei Ren, "Robust Geometric Control of a Quadrotor UAV Based on the Uncertainty and Disturbance Estimator"
  • Jinhao Chen, Dr. Beibei Ren, "UDE-Based Precision Motion Control for a Piezoelectric Positioning Stage"

UT Arlington

  • Brian Copp, Kamesh Subbarao, "Adaptive Estimation in Feature-Aided Navigation"
  • Pavan Nuthi, Kamesh Subbarao, "Computational Adaptive Optimal Control of Rigid Body Attitude Dynamics with Inertia Matrix Identification"
  • Hoang-Dung Tran, Luan Viet Nguyen, and Taylor T. Johnson, "Transforming Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs) to Hybrid Automaton Models for Formal Verification"
  • Onur Daskiran, Hakki Erhan Sevil, Atilla Dogan, Brian Huff, "UGV and UAV Cooperation for Constructing Probabilistic Map of Obstacles"

UT Austin

  • Nazli Demir and Behcet Acikmese, "State Constrained Markov Processes with Aerospace Applications"
  • Kelley Hashemi and Maruthi Akella, "Adaptive Flexible Motion Control for Nonminimum Phase Systems"
  • Dimitrios Pylorof and Efsathios Bakolas, "Input Constrained Nonlinear Control for Aerospace Applications"
  • Asad Ul-Haq and Dragan Djurdjanovic, "Stability and Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems"
  • Bongsu Kim and Ashish D. Deshpande, "A Wearable Robot for Upper Limb Rehabilitation After Spinal Cord Injuries"
  • Taylor D. Niehues, Prashant Rao and Ashish D. Deshpande, "Bridging the Gap: Human Hands to Robotic Hands"

UT Dallas

  • Ge Lv, David Quintero, Dario Villarreal, Hanqi Zhu and Robert Gregg, “Locomotor Control Systems Laboratory”
  • Jingfu Jin, Pablo Ramirez and Kaveh Fathian and Nick Gans, “New Approaches to Formation Control, Information-based Search and Obstacle Avoidance in Mobile Robotics"
  • Lin Guo, Moinak Pyne, Vignesh Ravikumar and Steve Yurkovich, "Energy Storage Systems Research"
  • Mehmet Eren Ahsen, Burook Misganaw, Nitin Singh and M. Vidyasagar, "Machine Learning Methods in the Computational Biology of Cancer"
  • Hasan A. Poonawala, Changyuan Li, Hazen Eckert, Surbhi Singh and Mark W. Spong, "Multi-robot Coordination for Manipulation Tasks and Teleoperated Exploration"




  • The participants will bring  posters (single chart, standard conference  36" tall, 48" wide) with them.
  • Conference will provide boards and pins.
  • If there is need for a custom size, we will try to accommodate them. Please make request in advance
  • Please submit name of the student, advisor and title.

Hotel Information




The Wingate Hotel in Richardson, TX has a block of 80 rooms for the Texas Systems Day.  The rooms are for Thursday, March 27, 2015.  The rate is $79.00 per night (plus applicable taxes), which is the state rate for this area.  The cutoff date is March 11, 2015.  Please make your reservations before that date.
To reserve a room, Guest Services (972) 234-5400 and request "Texas Systems Day Discounted Rate"

Steering Committee




2015 Organizational Committee