Electrical Engineering Circuits Laboratory (EE 3201)

Textbook: Manual for Electrical Engineering Circuits Laboratory EE 3201

Course description

In this course, the student will acquire hands-on experience with electrical circuits discussed in EE 2305 and EE 3301. The labs will cover basic resistive circuits, natural and step responses of RLC networks and analysis of sinusoidal AC networks containing resistive, capacitive, and inductive circuit elements.


You must read each week’s experiment before coming to the lab. Try to understand the objectives of the experiment and determine what information you need to gather. You do not need to turn in any pre-lab work.

Lab notebook

You must maintain a bound laboratory notebook in which you will keep preliminary notes, details of experimental procedure, all recorded data and a brief analyses of experimental results. The notebook needs to be bound and the type that allows you to make a removable carbon page of each page. Such notebooks are available at the bookstore and are called "computation" notebooks.

Before leaving the lab, you must turn in to your TA the carbon copy of your data and observations. The TA will initial the copy of your data and observations. Your report will not be accepted if you fail to turn in a copy of your recorded data.

Lab reports

The reports need to be typed and must adhere to the format (organization) given in the Manual, in Chapter 1, page 6. That is, it should have a cover page, an abstract section, description of circuit, description of measurements, records, analysis and questions.


All lab reports will receive equal weight, and will have the following grade distribution:

Correctness and detail of experimental work       60%
Answers to questions                                          20%
Neatness and writing of report                            20%

Lab grades will be assigned as follows: A: 90-100 B:80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: below 60

Lab safety rules

Follow the general lab safety rules outlined in the Manual for Electrical Engineering Circuits Laboratory in Chapter 1, page 4. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask the TA or the instructor.


Week     Description                                 Lab #

1         Learning to take Equipment Measur.      1
2         Natural response of RL and RC circuits 2
3         Step response of series RLC circuits      3
4         Phasors                                                 4
5         Power in AC circuits                             5
6         Mutual inductance and transformers       6
7         Introduction to LabView and GPIB        7
8         Freq Response & Input/Output impedances 8
9         Series Resonant Circuits                         9
10       Parallel Resonant Circuits                       10
